WebSockets Documentation

Introduction to WebSockets

WebSockets are a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. This allows for more efficient and interactive communication between a client (e.g., a web browser) and a server compared to traditional HTTP requests. WebSockets are particularly useful for real-time applications such as chat applications, live notifications, and online gaming.

How WebSockets Work

  1. Handshake: The WebSocket protocol begins with a handshake, which is similar to an HTTP request-response. The client sends an HTTP request to the server to upgrade the connection to a WebSocket connection.
    • The client sends an HTTP request with an Upgrade header:
      GET /chat HTTP/1.1
      Host: server.example.com
      Upgrade: websocket
      Connection: Upgrade
      Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
      Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
    • The server responds with an HTTP response confirming the upgrade:
      HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
      Upgrade: websocket
      Connection: Upgrade
      Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
  2. Data Frames: After the handshake, the client and server can exchange data frames. WebSocket frames can carry text, binary data, or control frames.
    • A WebSocket frame consists of a header and a payload. The header includes information such as the length of the payload and the type of frame (text, binary, close, ping, pong).
    • Text frames are used to send text data encoded in UTF-8.
    • Binary frames are used to send binary data.
    • Control frames are used for connection management (e.g., closing the connection, ping/pong for keep-alive).
  3. Closing the Connection: Either the client or the server can close the WebSocket connection by sending a close frame. The other party should respond with a close frame and then close the underlying TCP connection.

WebSocket APIs

JavaScript WebSocket API

The JavaScript WebSocket API allows web applications to open a WebSocket connection to a server and send/receive data.

// Create a new WebSocket object
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://server.example.com/chat');

// Open the connection
socket.onopen = function(event) {
  console.log('WebSocket connection opened');
  // Send a message
  socket.send('Hello, Server!');

// Listen for messages
socket.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Message from server:', event.data);

// Handle errors
socket.onerror = function(event) {
  console.error('WebSocket error:', event);

// Close the connection
socket.onclose = function(event) {
  console.log('WebSocket connection closed');

Python WebSocket Libraries

Several libraries in Python can be used to work with WebSockets, such as websockets, aiohttp, and socket.io.

Example using websockets library:

import asyncio
import websockets

async def hello():
    uri = "ws://server.example.com/chat"
    async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
        await websocket.send("Hello, Server!")
        response = await websocket.recv()
        print(f"Message from server: {response}")


Use Cases for WebSockets

  • Real-Time Applications: WebSockets are ideal for applications that require real-time updates, such as live chat, online gaming, stock tickers, and live notifications.
  • Collaborative Tools: Tools that require multiple users to interact simultaneously, such as collaborative document editing or whiteboards.
  • IoT: WebSockets can be used to maintain continuous connections with IoT devices for real-time monitoring and control.

Advantages of WebSockets

  • Low Latency: WebSockets provide low-latency communication as they eliminate the need for HTTP request-response overhead.
  • Full-Duplex Communication: Both the client and the server can send messages independently, allowing for more interactive applications.
  • Efficient Resource Usage: WebSockets use a single TCP connection for communication, which is more efficient in terms of resource usage compared to multiple HTTP connections.


WebSockets are a powerful protocol for real-time communication between clients and servers. They are widely supported in modern web browsers and provide the necessary features to build interactive and responsive web applications. By understanding the WebSocket handshake process, data framing, and API usage, developers can leverage this technology to create engaging real-time applications.